Our Christian Vision and Values

No challenge too big, no child too small- for with God nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37)        

At Great Wishford, our vision is to develop confident, determined and happy young people with enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity with friendship and respect for themselves, others and the environment around them so that they will have the skills, resilience and creativity to thrive in the world in their time.

Our Great Wishford Christian Vision 'No challenge to big, no child too small', is underpinned by Luke’s message: 'for with God, nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37)'. We believe that all of our pupils have the potential to do well, to succeed in their learning and to become valued members of society.  We encourage, support and value the perseverance our children develop together and through showing each other friendship, service and respect every day we encourage and support each other to flourish and 'live life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

We want to see all our children to flourish in their own creative ways and live life in all its fullness.  We aim to give our pupils the best start, preparing them for their secondary education and their role in modern British society. 

Click here to see Acorn's vision and values