Squirrel Class

Adults in the classroom

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Bishop. Best time to catch her is at the end of the school day. Alternatively, you can contact the school office to make an appointment or send any email correspondence to: admin@greatwishford.wilts.sch.uk.

What do I need to bring to school?

Every day, you will need: your reading book and reading record; a named lunchbox (unless you would like hot lunches); water bottle, a healthy snack, wellies (if you want to play on the field) and a waterproof coat. 


PE is every Wednesday afternoon.  You do not need to wear your PE kit to school each time we have PE. 

PE uniform

  •        plain black or navy jumper and leggings
  •        plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts depending on the season
  •        there should be no logos on trousers or tops unless they are the school logos
  •        school socks (plain grey, black or white)
  •        trainers
  •        plain white T-shirt


Read with your child for 10 mins daily at least five times per week.  Make sure you record this into the reading record.

EYFS and Year 1 only - Phonics booklets are sent home termly, which will assist phonics practice at home. Please go through daily alongside reading to support the children.

Use Times Table Rockstars to practice times tables at least five times each week for 10 minutes. Focus on 2s, 5s and 10s. 

How do we celebrate our children's achievements? 

The children have earnt a reward for working hard this term and last term. This Friday afternoon they will be allowed to watch a movie, with a U rating, for half an hour. This is something they have been looking forward to for a while! I'm sure they will tell you all about it.

Each week, we celebrate the hard work and efforts of all our children during Friday Celebration Worship. Over the course of the week, Teachers and TAs identify children who may fulfill one of the following criteria:

  • Star of the week – an all round super star around the school (one per class)
  • Maths Whizz – exceptional learning and or attitude in Maths (one per school)
  • English Star – exceptional learning and or attitude in English (one per school)

In addition, children help to identify others who have shown our school Christian values in action, in order to award one or two children with the term’s value award for the week per class.

Through our house system, all children, in every class can earn House Points for showing our values in action. The house that earns the most number of points each term receives a ‘House Reward’ which also includes donating a sum of money to charity.

Individually, children can earn Learning Points for excelling in their learning behavior, attitude or attainment. This is a personalised award system, rewarding effort and achievement in line with each child’s learning needs. A full card of Learning Points will earn the holder a reward from Miss Cleaver.

EYFS Provision Planning for Term 4

Every week we create a provision plan to show our learning intensions for the week. These activities will be adjusted according to the children's interests and questions. We ensure that the children feel free in their play and follow their lead when enhancing our environment.