Science at KS1

Throughout Key Stage 1 science lessons, children at Great Wishford CofE Primary will be learning about the importance of asking questions, gathering evidence, carrying out experiments and looking at different ways of presenting their results.

Lessons are practical and will focus on the world around them. 

National Curriculum topics – Year 1

  • Plants where they will look at identifying and naming plants and look at their basic structure
  • Animals including humans, where they will be identifying and naming a range of animals and understanding how and why they are grouped
  • Everyday materials, where they will look at materials and their properties
  • Seasonal changes, where they observe changes across the four seasons and look at different types of weather

National Curriculum topics – Year 2

  • Living things and their habitats, including dependence within habitats and micro-habitats
  • Plants, where they will be observing how seeds and bulbs grow into plants and what plants need to stay healthy
  • Animals including humans, where they will be focusing on reproduction, nutrition and exercise
  • Everyday materials, Where they will be comparing their uses and looking at how they can be changed by exerting force