Academy Council

The Academy Council plays a vital role in the governance and accountability of Great Wishford and is comprised of Governors who want to make a positive contribution to the school community.

Click here to learn more about Great Wishford and Acorn's governance

Meet our Academy Council 

As Council Members, we are also the protectors of its ethos and it is our duty to ensure that every child can achieve his or her full potential in a safe and caring environment.

Mr Jamie Melville - Chair and Foundation Governor

As part of a military career I have had the opportunity to see a number of different situations and associated challenges. Many of these reinforced how important and fundamental education is for our children and our responsibility to them. We need to do our best for the next generations heading out into a complex world, hence my desire to be a Governor.

I sincerely hope we can make the difference for the children and parents whom we have the opportunity to welcome to Great Wishford, for many of the good reasons the School was founded for twenty boys and twenty girls way back in 1722. Reassuringly we are now supported by the ACORN Trust. They can bring a wealth of experience and provide that wider support, challenge and insight for the administration, development of the curriculum and overall wellbeing of our lovely School.

Miss Stephanie Cleaver - Headteacher

Rev Jonathan Plows - Foundation Governor

Rector of the Wylye and Till Valley of which St Giles’, Great Wishford, is a part.

Foundation Governor: Chair of the SIAMS (Church inspections of schools) Committee

Whilst Great Wishford is termed a ‘Church School’ this wonderful learning community is forging a tangible ethos as a ‘School Church’ with our strong leadership team laying deep foundations of worship, prayer, spirituality and wellbeing. All members of the school community ~ pupils, staff, governors, parents and the Trust ~ are invited to support and strengthen this living Christian ethos. It is wonderful to welcome parents to Collective Worship, special services, seasonal events in the school or in St Giles’ and, of course, to cake in St Giles’ on a Thursday afternoon. I am available at any time at or 01722 790616.

Blessings and thanks,

Mrs Anna Tattersall - Safeguarding & Foundation Governor

I have been a foundation Governor since 2016 and have seen the transition of the school to the Acorn Academy Trust. My past working career was, for most part, as a midwife in Salisbury both in the local hospital and surrounding community. For my last 15 working years I was a school nurse within the NHS, overseeing many health and well-being needs of children in both primary and secondary schools. It was during this time I felt that I wanted to be able to contribute to the local school. It was the first school my children attended.

I am an active member of St Giles Church and have recently taken on the parish safeguarding role. My leisure time is spent playing tennis, helping to look after my grandchildren and trying to persuade my husband I need a dog!

Mrs Diane Wilkinson - SEND & Foundation Governor

For over thirty years I was a teacher of pupils and young adults with special educational needs both in special and mainstream settings. As such I know how important it is to value, include and encourage every young person to aspire to be the best they can be.

In Great Wishford School, I am privileged to play a small part in promoting the endeavours, faith and belief of staff; parents; The Acorn Trust; as well as friends in the wider community, as they engage in creating an environment that provides all pupils with ‘a design for living’ that will sustain them throughout their lives.

Apart from a love of being involved in the lives of our nine grandchildren, gardening, walking and welcoming visitors, worldwide travel has been our passion. Our ‘go see’ experiences and adventures that have brought us into contact with so many wonderful people, have been awe inspiring. Yet still, there is no place we would rather be than in our delightful little corner of the UK. We are truly blessed.

Mrs Michelle Marchment - Parent Governor

This is my first year as parent governor. My children have attended Great Wishford school since 2012. I have seen many great changes over the year's and it's lovely to see the school evolve and grow into such a wonderful environment.

I have always tried to stay involved as much as possible and after a few years helping on the friend's team decided to start a new chapter as parent governor. You will see me most mornings and afternoons so please feel free to stop for a chat.

Mr Jonathan Leach - Parent Governor

I have recently joined as a parent governor and I have two children in the school who are currently in year R and 2. Having spent 14 years working for a small business I have faced a wide range of challenges and helped that business develop. I hope to take some of those skills to help evolve our small school be the best it can be for the children, parents and wider community.

I was fortunate to go to a small school like Great Wishford when I was growing up, and I have fond memories of all the benefits a local village school brings. My mother was a Primary school teacher for over 25 years, so her love and dedication for giving her best for her pupils wore off on me. Primary school education is absolutely vital to kick-starting our children into their future and I hope that along with the other Governors I will be able to support, guide and help develop Great Wishford even further.

Whilst not entertaining our two children, I can often be found playing football or with my head under the bonnet of a classic car. I am always open for a chat and if you have ideas or thoughts that you would like to share with the Academy Council then do not hesitate to talk to me.